Gunslinger Girl Wiki
Speranza Guellfi
Chapter 100 - Speranza Guellfi
Gender Female
Professional Status
Occupation Doctor


Personal Status
Status Alive

Speranza Guelfi is the daughter of Triela and Hilshire, born using Roberta Guelfi as a surrogate, conceived using an ovum harvested from Triela by Hilshire. In her early teens, she was accepted into medical school where she met Hugo Mueller, a humanities major, who had an interest in making films.

Over the next ten years, they make a documentary, “The Hope”, which is about how she got her name of 'Speranza', which means "hope" in Italian, with the implication being that the story is about Rachelle Belleut and Triela. The film goes onto win an award, for which Speranza thanks the mother who raised her, and her mother and father in heaven (Triela ,Hilshire) .


In the English manga, the full quote during the award acceptance is this,

"So to the mother who raised me... and to my two mothers in heaven... I tell you this. Yes, there is still hope in our world."

This is perhaps a mistranslation which should refer to her "second" mother in heaven rather than her "two" mothers in heaven.

She is potentially foreshadowed in the the Il Teatrino opening song Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi which was released in 2008. The manga concluded around 2012.[1] The author Yu Aida was known for having a mostly completed storyline very early in his manga's serialization.[2]

"Sunflowers bloom at the foot of the hill; the dazzling and spreading yellowness

Illuminates the light of hope"


Speranza 2

Young Speranza resembles Triela
