Gunslinger Girl Wiki

First released on 2003-12-08 by Marvelous Entertainment.[1]

There were two variants of this product:

  1. MI-PC-JP-0001: Included the accessory disc and a figurine of Henrietta manufactured by Wave.[2][3]
  2. MI-PC-JP-0002: Included just the accessory disc.[4]

UPC: 4988110021510. The program on the disc uses a very old version of Macromedia Flash to display interactive content. Features:

  • Unique voice lines by the season one Japanese voice actors
  • Short encyclopedia of characters, story and weapons
  • Some kind of personality test that matches you with a character
  • Unique screensavers
  • Unique 800x600 and 1024x768 resolution wallpapers
  • Calendar, clock, and icon replacement set probably meant for Windows 98/XP
  • Bizarre live-action opening that casts a blonde girl as Henrietta[5]