Gunslinger Girl Wiki
Gender Male
Professional Status
Cyborg Pia
Occupation Five Republics Faction agent
Previous Occupation SWA Handler
Personal Status
Status Deceased

Earnest was a former Social Welfare Agency operative Pia's brother and Handler and the secondary antagonist in the PS2 only. Earnest is a Five Republics Faction sleeper agent and brought Pia with him upon leaving and betraying the Social Welfare Agency.

Like Pia, he only appears in the GSG PS2 games that come with the Season 1 anime Volumes 1-4. Also like Pia he is never mentioned in the manga or anime.


Earnest was a young man and a handler with blonde hair and spectacles. He wears a grey suit, a dark grey buttoned shirt, a black tie and a grey fedora with a dark grey side.

In Gunslinger Girl Vol.3 Earnest wears a brown suit that matches his palette of his grey suit during the final battle against Heniretta for vengeance of his sister Pia in the final level of the ruined Colosseum and the end of the 3rd part rogue Pia (PS2) saga.
